Development of Comprehensive Information Campaign Protocol for Migration Sensitization: A Step Towards Promoting Safe Migration Practice In Nigeria

The effects of different modes of sensitization programmes on the attitudes and inclination of the public towards the migration related dynamics (regular and irregular) has been hotly debated within the academic circle (Alpes & Sorenson, 2015; Browne, 2015).

However, Browne (2015) argued that although public information on migration may not deter some people who have made up their mind from relocating, but it may increase the probabilities of seeking appropriate process of regular migration instead of irregular migration. Recently, because of some push and pull factors ranging from personal, educational to economic reasons, more people are willing to embark on migration using all manners of clandestine routes (irregular). However, this new plight has increased the numbers of humanitarian concerns because many migrants are subjected to unprecedented level of human rights abuse, increase in criminal activities (smuggling and trafficking) and even death. 

Nigeria is not exempted as the biting economic crunch and political uncertainties forced the citizens, skilled and unskilled, to venture into other countries within and outside Africa for greener pasture. Thus it was estimated that emigration of Nigerians (especially irregular) is higher than any other sub-Saharan African country (Adepoju, 2015). Perhaps, what has drawn the concern of international bodies to the migration dynamic is mounting tragedy of irregular migration (crossing international borders without proper authority, or violating conditions for entering another country). Efforts to manage these possible tragedies resulted in the need for developing a comprehensive systematic information campaign protocol (for country of origin) for mass enlightenment of the citizens of the need to follow the due processes of regular migration.

Therefore, the present study will use qualitative meta-analytic procedure and quantitative procedure to develop a comprehensive systematic information protocol for public information campaigns in the Nigeria secondary schools.